Robb is Nigeria’s number 1 medicament brand that provides millions of households ‘quick and 

effective relief’ from aches, pains and the symptoms of cold and flu.

Its expertise which spans over 50 years lends credence to its very high quality through its use of scientifically proven fast-acting ingredients which penetrate the skin and provide quick relief to problem areas. Its wide range of products also ensure Robb is able to effectively cater to different aches and pain needs whilst providing great value through its use by the entire family.


Our wide range of products has been developed from deep consumer insights on areas of concern that require quick and effective relief. These include:

Robb Original ointment: effective relief from mild muscular aches and pains, nasal congestion and catarrh

Heatol: fast-acting essential oils which help to offer relief from rheumatic and arthritic pains

Robb Inhaler: Fast acting Inhaler stick that provides instant relief from nasal congestion and catarrh

Robb Menthol Sweets: offers soothing relief from sore throats and flu while giving you strong fresh breath through the use of a combination of menthol & peppermint oil.

Robb Tin: Robb 3.5g X 800

Robb Inhaler: Robb 1g X 144

Robb is available in Nigeria

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