No Fear Insecticide
  • No Fear Insecticide
  • No Fear Insecticide

No Fear Insecticide

Public health insecticide with contact, stomach and respiratory action, used for effective long lasting control  of wide range of pests affecting public health such as snakes scorpions, cockroaches, ants, termites and other crawling indoor and outdoor insects.

Snake Repellant


No Fear is an insecticide with contact, stomach and respiratory action. It has a special formulation to control  of wide range of pests affecting public health. It has a long residual effect if used as recommended Its residual activity span up to 45 days, even up to several months to years in soil.

Principal uses 

No Fear is widely used in homes  and premises as a residential insecticide tp control  of wide range of pests affecting public health such as snakes scorpions, cockroaches, ants, termites and other crawling insects. It has remarkable repellant effect  effect against snakes and other reptiles such as lizard, wall gecko...etc

Direction Of Use

Dusting is done where insects enter and congregate such as cracks, crevices, under stones, under blocks, near the gardens, lawms, nurseries, around the houses and premises.

Rate Of Use

Pests (snakes scorpions, cockroaches, ants, termites and other crawling insects)

Rate Of Use (1kg/60-90 Square meters)

NB: Apply No Fear by pouring it on top of the soil to form a continuos line around the area, which you intend to protect such as homes, gardens, premises....etc

Repeat the application once a month during the dry season and twice monthly during the rainy season.

Re-entry period: Do not enter or allow others to enter until dust have settled.

Pre-harvest Interval: 35-50 days.

Toxicity Class: II

Protective Precautions:

Avoid contact with the eyes, Skin or Clothing.

Avoid breathing vapors or spray mist.

Do not mix with bare hands

Wear protective clothing and gloves and goggles, wear eyewear.

Do not eat, drink amd chew tobacco or smoke during application.

Bath or shower after spraying and change to clean cloths.

Wash the used equipments and your hands thoroughly immediately with soap and water after handling.

First Aid:

Skin contamination, in case of contact, immediately wash skin with soap and plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing.

For exposure to the eyes, flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Fet medical attention.

Ingestion if swallowed, do not induce vomitting. Call a physician and/or transport the patient to an emergency facility immediately. No specific antidote, treat symtomatically.

Ihalation remove the affected person to fresh air and obtain medical attention if there is any respiratory distress.

In case of any emergency call your local poison control center for advice.

Handling and storage cautions:

Do not store near food, feed or drinking water. Store in dry well ventilated area.

Disposal of the pesticides' empty container

Wastes should be disposed off in a landfill approved for pesticide disposal or to Federal, State ir local rules.

Legal resposibility

The distributor guarantees the quality of No Fear. However since we do not have control over the mixing and usage pf No Fear no guaratee is given and no liability is accepted for any unsatisfactory effect, injury or damage arising from the use of it.

Formulated for agricultural use only

Keep out of the reach of children

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