Cway Food & Beverag Co Nig Ltd

CWAY  Beverages Nigeria company  was established in 2004 with a brand product market  launch which include Apple and Peach fruit drinks as the initial products.  later in the spring of 2007,  Nutri-Milk, a drink with fruit content was added to  the production line which fortunately, grew to occupy a premium top brand position in local and in international markets. Subsequently, the inclusion of Super Kids milk drink  a special brand formulation for children  with healthy functional nutrients for good growth and development in children.

With a view to continually create quality products for our consumers, Cway Food and Beverages introduced Nutri-Yo, a yoghurt brand, early 2018; Cheers Cocktail, a 4.5% alcoholic beverage, in 2018, Maca Energy Drink in 2018 and Nutri-Soya in 2019

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