
Radiant is Unilever’s mid-tier laundry platform with presence primarily in D&E markets across the world. Radiant consumers around the world have been 

profiled as innately motivated and determined to seek progress. The brand equips consumers with products to keep clothes ‘bright’ and tools as well, which in turn gives them the confidence to overcome hurdles in their quest for a brighter future.

Our purpose: Enabling people to rise above societal limitations and shine on their own terms. 

Who do we call “progress seekers”?

The middle-class consumers who have the determination and tenacity, to constantly better their lives. The ones looking to overcome every challenge and seize every opportunity.

We deliver what matters to them:

We understand that Clothes have a power to reflect our identity, to make us feel confident, to help us make an impact on people, to help us make a good first impression.

Radiant helps them radiate confidence and shine on their own terms by helping both them and their clothes shine. People inherently understand the power of clothes and use their appearance to both to project a desired image, as well as to boost their confidence and assert themselves in the face of challenges.


Radiant brings unbeatable brightness for your clothes (whites and colours), through leading-edge technologies and sustainable solution and for you, through knowledge and skills driven by our Academies of shine.In a nutshell,

Radiant is about the spirit of our consumers, what they’re made of, what they stand for, what matters to them. It’s their shine that we help make visible!

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