Radico 8PM Grain Blended Whisky 750ml
  • Radico 8PM Grain Blended Whisky 750ml
  • Radico 8PM Grain Blended Whisky 750ml
  • Radico 8PM Grain Blended Whisky 750ml

Radico 8PM Grain Blended Whisky 750ml

8PM  Grain Blended Whisky

Master Experience 

Our rare signature blend of Indian grain whisky and scotch selected by our master blender

Beautifully balanced since 1998

8PM  Grain Blended Whisky

 A rare signature blend of Grain Whisky and Scotch to achieve the perfect balance of strength and smoothness.

 Made with the finest quality grain, this Whisky is an epitome of lavishness and quality drinking.

 Once you savour it's rich, full-bodied, yet smooth taste, you'll realise why it's the ideal blend to help you unwind.

 Enjoy an unparalleled experience of taste and witness a royal marriage of finesse and elegance.

Consumption of liquor is injurious to health.

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