Four Cousins Blush Sweet Sparkling Wine 750ml
  • Four Cousins Blush Sweet Sparkling Wine 750ml

Four Cousins Blush Sweet Sparkling Wine 750ml

Four Cousins Blush Sweet Sparkling Wine


Four Cousins Blush Sweet Sparkling Wine

Premium Quality Sparkling Wine Produced By Van Loveren Family Vineyards The "Four Cousins" of Van Loveren, Hennie, Bussell, Phillip and Nell, produce wines that have become firm South African favourites.

Fashionable, carefree and playful, this lively sparkling wine has a gentle floral perfume with juicy summer berry and strawberry flavours. Friendly bubbles tease the pate

A modern wine, made simply with your enjoyment in mind!

Sparkling Wine Of South Africa 

Contains Sulphites

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