4th Street Sweet Rose Wine 750ml
  • 4th Street Sweet Rose Wine 750ml

4th Street Sweet Rose Wine 750ml

4th Street Sweet Rose Wine

Where good friends, good wines & good times meet

4th Street Sweet Rose Wine

4th Street Quality Finest

Welcome to the bright city lights of 4thSTREET, where good friends connect to enjoy good times. Share the excitement and the vibe with wines that are easy to drink, easy to love and delightfully sweet. 


Contains Sulphites

Ingredients: Dry Wine: White & Red Grapes, Water, Sugar, Citric Acid, Sodium Metabisulphite, Dimethyldicarbonate (E242) 

Excessive Alcohol Consumption Is Harmful To Your Health Mot For Sale To Persons Under The Age Of 18 Years. Alcohol Reduces Driving Ability,  Don't Drink And Drive, Alcohol Is Addictive

pH: 3.6 Total

Acidity: 6 g/l

Residual Sugar: 66 g/l

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